History of the Grand Chapter of Instruction
This enabled certain named eminent Companions to meet as a Chapter of Instruction, the meetings of which were restricted to the Grand Chapter rooms in Dublin. The primary condition for the meetings of such a Grand Chapter of Instruction was that they and their successors shall at all times pay implicit observance to, and to act and conduct the affairs of the Chapter in strict conformity with the original resolution. Any such further resolutions issued by the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland would override any previous such directives and be strictly adhered to for the future government of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction.
A subsequent resolution of Supreme Grand Chapter in 1946 gave permission to hold special convocations outside of Dublin.
A later resolution provided for three Ordinary convocations to be held in Belfast. Currently these are held on the 3rd Saturday in January, March and October at 2.30pm.
Every decision of the Grand Chapter of Instruction in relation to ritual or ceremony, when approved by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter, is binding on every Chapter and every Companion.
Irish Royal Arch Companions are considered by many other Constitutions to be fortunate to have such an active body within its ranks to monitor and protect the ritual and ceremony within our Chapters at all levels. To have the actions of such a Grand Chapter of Instruction supported and endorsed by its governing Grand Chapter can only enforce the well-deserved reputation and dignity which this Chapter enjoys.
The aim and object of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Instruction is to promote and encourage the knowledge and practice of Royal Arch masonry and to guide and control its natural evolution in the context of ever-changing conditions, patterns of thought and social pressures.
More importantly, it is to at all times to preserve the purity of the ritual against the eroding introduction of irrelevant novelties and vulgarisms in the text and to always avoid all unwarranted alien innovations of any kind.