District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down

News 2024

District Grand Chapter’s aim is to continue to provide an effective and efficient service support to all the Chapters within Down District. To this end, please ensure that all correspondence is sent to the following email address office@dgracdown.org.uk

The District Grand Chapter office at Galwally House will not be open on a Wednesday morning with immediate effect. The Office will be open 10.00hrs – 12.30hrs on Friday mornings. Closed July, August, Christmas/New Year & Bank Holidays.

DGRAC office will be closed for the summer recess from  Friday 7th June 2024 until Friday  9th August.

The Kingdom of Down Chapter of Installed Kings No 79 to celebrate its first anniversary and a successful year at labour held a Charity Gala Ball in the Belmont Hotel, Banbridge on 15 March, which raised £2300.
On 13th June representatives of the Chapter presented cheques for £1150 each to Ovarian Cancer Research and the Down Masonic Widows Fund.

Companions (L-R) Graham Middleton, Gerry Anketell (Registrar) Arthur Kerrigan (Excellent King), Ivan Knox (Treasurer), Noel Sufferin and Barry Brewster presenting the cheque to Noel Sufferin, Secretary, Down Masonic Widows Fund.
Front row l-r, Graham Middleton, Barry Brewster, Arthur Kerrigan (Excellent King), Gerry Anketell (Registrar) and Ivan Knox (Treasurer) Back Row (l-r) Professors Richard Kennedy, Kienan Savage and Dan Longley, all from the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research at Queens University, Belfast and Noel Sufferin, Down Masonic Widows Fund.
Congratulations to Ex. Comp. Michael Carson, on receiving his 25 year jewel and certificate from the District Deputy Grand King of Down, Rt. Ex. Comp. David Hanna. He was assisted by the Ex. King of Sharman Crawford RAC403, Ex.Comp. Aaron Jamison.

RAC Charity Golf Competition 2024


Ashlar Royal Arch Chapter No. 528 celebrated its Centenary on Monday 15th April 2024 at Moneyrea Masonic Hall, where we installed our officers for 2024 and were delighted to welcome our District Assistant Grand King, Rt. Ex. Comp. Gerry Fleming, who presented Ex. Comp. T.C. Reid, with his 50 year certificate. TC Reid was born 90 years ago, when Ashlar RAC 528 was only 10 years old, so we can forgive him for not being a founder member. We were also privileged to welcome Rt. Ex. Companions Martin Lawther and Noel Cowden to the Chapter. Their presence was much appreciated by the Companions.
In good news for the Chapter, three new members were proposed for affiliation and membership.
Following the meeting, we had a Festive Board, with a sit down dinner, soup, roast beef and trimmings, shortbread, mints and wine at table at the “Auld House”. A special Centenary cake was also presented – and eaten.
There were the usual toasts, replied to by our members and distinguished guests and a short toast which looked at the origins of the Chapter and prominent members – which include a former Grand King and District Grand King of Down. A Bible was presented to the Chapter by EC Jason Docherty and EC Grant Dillon which has certain historical links to the Chapter. The charities were not forgotten with £250 being raised in a collection.
A good turnout, careful planning and everyone playing their part resulted in a smoothly running, enjoyable night that was a credit to the Chapter and stands us in good stead for the years to come.
Click here to view more images.

Shamrock Royal Arch Chapter No.354 Kircubbin

Shamrock Royal Arch Chapter No.354 Kircubbin had a visit from our District Assistant Grand King, Rt. Ex. Comp. Gerry Fleming who presented Ex. Comp. Jim Irvine with his 25-year Jewel and Certificate.