M.E. Comp. S.G. Fenton MBE.

M.E. Companion Fenton was a native of Cornwall and a nephew of S. G. Fenton, a former Mayor of Belfast. After a period in Australia he returned to Ulster and finally settled at Seapatrick, Banbridge, where he became a director of Messrs. F. W. Hayes & Co. Ltd., Thread Manufacturers, and of Messrs. Dunbar & McMaster of Gilford, Co. Down. His early masonic life was in Banbridge where he was a P.M. of Lodge 336 and an honorary member of Lodges 119 and 296 and a P.K. of R.A. Chapter 124.
He was a representative of the Banbridge District on the Committee set up to arrange for the Constitution of District Grand Chapter; became the first District Grand Capt. of Host and was installed as Deputy Grand First Principal on 16th February, 1912 in which office he was to give loyal assistance to two Grand First Principals and unstinted service to the District. He was also representative of the Grand Lodge of Panama at the Grand Lodge of Ireland and Treasurer of the local Charity Committee.
In 1923 his services in the Ulster Special Constabulary were recognised when he was granted the honour of Member of the Illustrious Order of the British Empire. The Companions of Banbridge R.A.C. 124 presented him with a miniature sceptre on 18th September, 1924, as a token of their gratitude and esteem.
M.E. Companion Fenton was installed as Grand First Principal in 1930 and first presided as such on 10th May in that year, and appointed as his Deputy M.E. Companion W. Bel Borrowes who had been District Grand Registrar from 1911. His great interest was in the charities and his period of office saw the introduction of the District Charities Committee and an immediate increase in contributions, also a steady if less spectacular growth in numbers though only one new Chapter was constituted during his period of office as Grand First Principal.
He died on 5th September, 1936, and was greatly mourned not only in Down but by Royal Arch Masons throughout the North, and a period of three months mourning was observed in the District.
His masonic clothing and regalia were presented to Chapter 124 by his widow and are preserved in the Masonic Hall, Banbridge, where his portrait is also given an honoured place.
Most Excellent Companion S.G. Fenton MBE. died on 5th September, 1936