M.E.Comp. Kenneth Abernethy

M.E.Comp. Kenneth Abernethy was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry in October 1975 into Sydenham Royal Arch Chapter No 501 being installed as Excellent King in 1982 and 2000. He affiliated to R.A.C. No 358 becoming the founding registrar in 1984 and became Excellent King in 1989 and 1997. He once again affiliated to another Chapter, this time, R.A.C. No 708 in 1985 and was Excellent King in 1988. The Chapter subsequently returned its warrant in 2005. Another affiliation came when he became a founder member of R.A.C. No 770 in 1988 and assumed the role of Excellent King in 1989.
After all this Royal Arch activity it was inevitable that District Honours were not far away and, indeed, in 1998 he was appointed as District Grand High Priest for the usual two years. Five years as District Grand Registrar ensued from 1992 and a further elevation to District Assistant Grand King in 1997 was just reward for his many years of commitment to this branch of the Order. The office of District Deputy Grand King was offered to him and accepted and he was installed into the office in 2002, serving for four years before receiving the highest District Grand Chapter accolade of District Grand King in 2006, a position he held for six years.
Supreme Grand Chapter office loomed and in 1994 M.E.Comp. Abernethy began his journey through the various offices until, in 1999, he was invested as Supreme Grand Chief Scribe. Through his interest in Royal Arch ritual and his constant practicing of the same, he was successfully enrolled as an elected member of the Grand Chapter of Instruction in 2005.
Further representation in Royal Arch Masonry followed with his appointment as a Foreign Representative for Grand Lodge of M.M.M. of Greece and Cyrus from 2001 until 2010. In 2010, he was confirmed as the Foreign Representative of the Grand Chapter of Greece and Cyprus at Supreme Grand Chapter.
A very active and committed member of Royal Arch Masonry, M.E.Comp. Abernethy has achieved so much in his time in the Order and will, no doubt, be an inspiration for a new generation of Royal Arch Masons.
Most Excellent Companion Kenneth Abernethy died 6th October 2022.