M.E. Comp. Dr. N. Agnew

With a view to maintaining happy relationships M.E. Companion Agnew joined lodge 596 in Newtownards in 1935.
Ten years elapsed before he was exalted in R.A. Chapter 207. During these years and more he was heavily committed in education and music and involved with professional bodies and other organisations.
Church work and Charities also made demands on time but eventually after serving on Committees he undertook Honorary Secretaryship of the Newtownards District Masonic Charity Committee for about 8 years.
In 1959 he became Organist in both Provincial Grand Lodge and District Grand Chapter of Down. He continued to serve in each of these capacities until precluded by the acceptance of more responsible duties.
In 1969 he was appointed Provincial Grand Secretary and in 1972 Provincial Assistant Grand Master.
He was elected Chief Scribe in the District Chapter in 1977 and in June 1978 he was appointed District Grand King.
The years since 1969 have been very busy masonically and honours received have been appreciated. As initiator of the Masonic Housing Association, he continues as a Director.
M.E. Comp. Norman Agnew died 16th August 1993.