M.E. Comp. D.A. Rea

M.E. Companion Rea was a native of Saintfield, Co. Down, but had lived in Belfast for many years. His connection with Royal Arch Masonry began in R.A. Chapter 275 in the District of Antrim in February 1916 and affiliated to R.A. Chapter 51, Arthur Square, in September 1916.
When after a lapse of 65 years Royal Arch Masonry was revived in Saintfield by the constitution of Chapter 35 on 16th September, 1920, he was installed as High Priest and had maintained an active membership there ever since.
M.E. Companion Rea served as District Grand Third Principal in 1930; was elected District Grand Auditor in 1944; and District Grand Treasurer in 1947 and served in that capacity until his appointment as Deputy Grand First Principal in 1956, in which office he was installed on 13th June, 1956. When the present District Grand King was appointed he expressed his pleasure that M.E. Companion Rea had agreed to continue as his Deputy— an expression which was echoed throughout the District. He thus shares with two illustrious predecessors the honour of having served two “masters” as Deputy.
He seconded his first motion in District Grand Chapter on 16th December, 1931, since when he had made a lasting contribution to the progress of Royal Arch Masonry in Down and had been an active and acceptable emissary of District Grand Chapter on various missions throughout the District and at the Royal Arch Board of General Purposes.
His work and worth were recognised when he was presented with a miniature sceptre on 4th September, 1957, and again by Grand Chapter in 1960 when he was appointed the Representative of the Grand Chapter of Oregon at Supreme Grand Chapter—an office which entitled him personally to the title of “Most Excellent”.
The Masonic Order in general benefited from his untiring and unselfish labours through many years and he had always been a warm supporter of the various Charities. His work over a long period on behalf of the Down Masonic Widows’ Fund was especially appreciated in this District and in particular his services as Honorary Treasurer of the Fund since 1950. During this period he and the Honorary Secretary, the late R.E. Companion David McKibbin, M.B.E., J.P., have placed the Fund in its present sound financial position.
M.E. Companion Rea was elected to the 30° in 1960.