M.E. Comp. Kenneth W. Vance

Kenneth W.Vance was initiated into William Shannon R.A.C. No 373 in 1982 after which he affiliated to Alexander R.A.C. No 371 in 1988 and became Excellent King the following year, subsequently serving as Registrar from 1990 for nine years.
District Grand Chapter honours came soon after, serving as District Grand Captain of the Host in 2000 & 2001, this being followed by a five year term as District Grand Registrar from 2002.
His value to District Chapter was realised when he was asked to fill the role of District Deputy Grand King in 2007 and did so for the following five years, being advanced to the highest office in District Chapter, that of District Grand King for four years from 2012. Supreme Grand Chapter honours became inevitable and, indeed, M.E.Comp. Vance was made a Foreign Representative at Supreme Grand Chapter for the Grand Chapter of Nebraska from 2005 until 2009.
In 2010 he filled the office of Grand High Priest at Supreme Grand Chapter.
The dedication and enthusiasm of M.E.Comp. Vance has been well recorded and his service to the Order in general and has seen him receive many Masonic accolades through Provincial Grand Lodge, District Grand Chapter, Provincial Priory of South Ulster and Great Priory, culminating in him receiving the 28° of Knight of the Sun in 2016.